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And Now The Rest Of The Story 


Since the Restoration Phase several changes have been made to improve the club. We have made efforts to improve and upgrade the bowling Green. Changes and modifications were made to the clubhouse to enhance the social experience. As well safety and security were improved.


Perhaps the biggest change of all occurred in 2003 when we were granted a Trillium Grant to expand the size of the Green. The original Green was approximately 100 ft. x 100 ft., which was a typical size for small town Greens in the early days. A standard modern Green should be at least 120 ft. in length. As we did not have room to expand to 120 ft. in both directions it was decided to the 20 ft. in the one direction that it was possible. This would now allow us to host District playdowns with up to 7 full size rinks. 


With assistance from Home Depot the kitchen was remodeled in 2003. Later a third sink for handwashing was installed and a portable dish washer was purchased. The lounge area in the clubhouse was redecorated by Bill & Dorothy Scarland. It was again updated in 2012 by Richard Bullock & Harry Metheral.


To improve security the large glass window in the bowls/equipment room was closed and the wall redone. The only access is now through a solid steel door.


Over the years it has been necessary to constantly update and replace the equipment used to maintain the property and the Green. When it became impossible to find replacement parts for the greens iron it was decided to seek a Trillium Grant and replace it. As well we were able to purchase a new greens mower and a top dressing machine.


In order to improve the experience for new bowlers and those who were beginning to have difficulties with the old large club bowls the New Horizons Grants for Seniors program was approached and they granted us enough money to acquire 12 sets of small size bowls.


Through the City we were able to update the club house in 2015 and have added a wheel chair ramp to allow access into the building. As well we now have an accessible washroom. Lawn bowls is an inclusive sport and we need to serve the needs of all who wish to join.


The club is now an active participant in District 7 of the Ontario Lawn Bowling Association. Some of our members have held the following positions on the District 7 Executive: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. One member is also an accredited bowls umpire. We have hosted District playdowns in different events and have sent teams to District playdowns over the last several years. The club also played host to a tournament of blind bowlers and a jitney for members of the Canadian Transplant Association.


We also received our Liquor License in 2015 and may now sell and serve wine and beer. This will allow us to control the consumption of alcohol and provide an added stream of revenue.


In 2018 we introduced Short Mat Bowls and operate the program from Oct through Apr. at Kinbridge Community Centre and Langs. (unfortunately the 2019-20 season was cut short and the 2020-21 season was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions)

COVID-19 also severely impacted our 2020 season as we were restricted to members only and had to cancel all planned tournaments and events.

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© 2014 by The Preston Lawn Bowling Club. Proudly created by D.G. Allen with

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